Magenta, cyan, and yellow are primary colors in the subtractive color model used in color printing and other applications where pigments or dyes are involved. Here's a breakdown of each color and its role:
Magenta: This is a deep red hue. Magenta is one of the three primary colors used in the CMY (cyan, magenta, yellow) color model, which is used by printers to create a wide range of colors by mixing small amounts of cyan, magenta, and yellow inks.
Cyan: Cyan is a blue-green color. It is called "cyan" because it resembles the color of the sky on a clear day. In the CMY color model, cyan is used along with magenta and yellow to produce a variety of colors.
Yellow: Yellow is the third primary color in the CMY color model. It is often the brightest of the three and is used to create green and other warm colors when mixed with the other primary colors.
When these three colors are mixed together in various proportions, they can produce a range of secondary colors, as well as black if mixed in equal amounts (though in practice, a separate black ink, known as K in CMYK printing, is often used to achieve true black):
The combination of all three colors in equal amounts typically produces a dark brown, not pure black, which is why black is added as a separate component in CMYK printing.
These colors are also relevant in digital imaging, where they are used for color calibration and correction, but the model is more accurately referred to as an RGB (red, green, blue) model for screens and monitors. The RGB model is additive, meaning that colors combine to produce white light, unlike the subtractive CMY color model used in print.