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what is minecraft android world storage

发布于 2024-09-08 11:11:11

In Minecraft for Android, world storage refers to where the game saves your worlds and associated data. When you create or load a world in Minecraft, all the information about that world is stored on your device. This includes:

  1. World Data: All the blocks, entities, players, structures, and other in-game elements that make up the world.
  2. Player Data: Information about your character, including inventory, health, location, and other game statistics.
  3. World Settings: Options chosen for the world, such as game mode (Survival, Creative, etc.), difficulty, and any cheats or rules enabled.
  4. World Generation Data: For procedurally generated worlds, the algorithms and seeds used to create the world's landscape and structures.

Storage Locations:

  • Internal Storage: By default, Minecraft for Android stores world data in the internal storage of your device, typically in a folder dedicated to Minecraft. The exact folder path might vary but is often found within the Android/data/com.mojang/minecraftWorlds directory.
  • External Storage: Some devices allow you to move your Minecraft worlds to external storage (like an SD card) if you want to free up space on your device or back up your worlds more easily.

Backup and Management:

  • Manual Backup: You can manually copy the world folders to another location for backup purposes. This can be helpful if you want to transfer the world to another device or platform.
  • Cloud Storage: Some Android devices offer cloud backup options that can automatically back up app data, including Minecraft worlds. However, this feature depends on your device's manufacturer and available services.
  • Minecraft Realms: If you're using Minecraft Realms, a subscription service that allows you to play with friends online, your worlds are stored and backed up on Mojang's servers.

To manage your worlds, you can use the Minecraft app's interface to create, delete, or rename worlds. For more advanced management or backup, you may need to access the storage directory directly or use third-party file management apps on your Android device. Always be cautious when manually handling game files to avoid data loss.

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