In the popular game "Plants vs. Zombies," the Zombie Gargantuar is a large, powerful zombie enemy that has its own unique abilities. However, the Zombie Gargantuar does not have the ability to throw Imp Zombies as part of its gameplay mechanics.
Here's a brief overview of their roles in the game:
Zombie Gargantuar: This zombie is one of the largest and toughest enemies you'll encounter in the game. It can take a lot of damage before being defeated. It can also throw other zombies, such as Football Zombies or Bucket Zombies, over plants to get them closer to your house.
Imp Zombie: This is a small, fast zombie that can appear from underground and can easily sneak past slower defenses.
The Zombie Gargantuar's special ability is to pick up and throw zombies that are adjacent to it, but the Imp Zombie isn't typically one of the zombies that the Gargantuar can throw. The game's mechanics are designed so that the Zombie Gargantuar will generally throw larger zombies, and Imps are too small and fast to be picked up in this way.
In summary, within the context of the game, a Zombie Gargantuar does not throw Imp Zombies.