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how long can mexican salamanders completely survive in dry places without water

发布于 2024-09-22 21:13:54

The survival time of Mexican axolotls (Ambystoma mexicanum) in dry environments without water is quite limited due to their physiological requirements. They are not adapted to live for extended periods outside of water, and their skin needs to remain moist to function properly for respiration and waste removal.

Under optimal conditions, such as cooler temperatures and high humidity, an axolotl might survive out of water for a few hours up to a couple of days. However, this is a stressful situation for them, and their health can deteriorate rapidly. Factors such as room temperature, air movement, and the individual's health will significantly affect how long they can survive.

It's important to note that even if an axolotl is not submerged, it should be kept in a moist environment to maintain its skin's health. In captivity, axolotls are often provided with damp hides or damp moss to help maintain skin moisture when they are not in the water.

For the well-being of axolotls, they should be kept in an aquatic environment that replicates their natural habitat as closely as possible, with clean water and appropriate temperature and humidity levels.

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