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are frogs and salamanders both poisonous

发布于 2024-09-20 13:00:53

Not all frogs and salamanders are poisonous, but some species do possess toxic properties. Both groups belong to the class Amphibia, but they have evolved different defense mechanisms to protect themselves from predators. Here's a more detailed look at the toxicity in these two groups:

  1. Poisonous Frogs: Some frog species are indeed toxic. The most well-known examples are those belonging to the family Dendrobatidae (poison dart frogs) found mainly in Central and South America. These frogs produce powerful alkaloids as skin toxins that can be deadly to predators if ingested or touched by mucous membranes.

  2. Non-Poisonous Frogs: However, most frogs are not poisonous. They might have mildly toxic or distasteful substances as a deterrent, but they don't possess strong enough toxins to be harmful to humans or large predators.

  3. Salamanders: Most salamanders are not considered poisonous, but some do have minor toxic secretions. For instance, the skin secretions of salamanders can be irritating to some animals, and handling them can cause mild skin irritation in people. However, this is not comparable to the potent toxins found in certain frog species.

  4. Newts: A group within the salamander family, newts, can be poisonous. Some species, like the European common newt or the California newt, have toxins in their skin secretions called tetrodotoxin (TTX), which is similar to the toxin found in pufferfish. If ingested, these toxins can be harmful or even lethal.

It's important to remember that simply because an amphibian is not poisonous does not mean it is safe to handle. All amphibians can carry bacteria or parasites harmful to humans, and their delicate skin can be easily damaged. The best practice is to avoid handling any wild animal unless you are trained to do so.

In summary, while there are toxic species among both frogs and salamanders, they are the exception rather than the rule, and the majority of these amphibians are not dangerous to humans.

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