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发布于 2024-06-06 19:22:36

Crystallization temperature has a significant impact on the crystallization rate of polymers. Here are some key points:

  1. Higher Crystallization Temperature: When the crystallization temperature is increased, the mobility of polymer chains increases. This enhanced chain mobility allows for faster rearrangement and alignment of the polymer chains into crystalline regions.

  2. Increased Nucleation: A higher crystallization temperature can increase the number of nuclei formed. The more nuclei there are, the more quickly the polymer can crystallize because the crystallization process can occur at multiple sites simultaneously.

  3. Faster Growth Rate: The growth rate of the crystalline regions (spherulites) within the polymer can also be faster at higher crystallization temperatures. This is because the increased thermal energy allows for easier diffusion of polymer chains into the growing crystals.

  4. Balance with Melting Point: However, the crystallization temperature must be below the polymer's melting point. If it approaches the melting point, the polymer may begin to melt rather than crystallize.

  5. Optimal Range: There is an optimal crystallization temperature range for each polymer where the crystallization rate is maximized. Too low, and the polymer chains are too stiff to move; too high, and the polymer might degrade or melt.

  6. Supercooling Effect: In practical processes, polymers are often crystallized below their equilibrium melting point (supercooled) to achieve a higher degree of crystallinity. The

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