热力灭菌(Thermal Sterilization):
- 中文解释:使用高温长时间加热的方法来消灭所有微生物。
- 英文解释:The process of killing all forms of life, especially microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses, by exposure to heat for a certain period.
- 中文解释:利用高压下的饱和蒸汽进行灭菌,通常在121°C下保持15至20分钟。
- 英文解释:A sterilization method that uses high-pressure saturated steam, typically at 121°C for 15 to 20 minutes.
干热灭菌(Dry Heat Sterilization):
- 中文解释:使用高温干燥环境加热来消灭微生物,如烘箱中长时间加热。
- 英文解释:Sterilization by using high temperatures in a dry environment, such as heating in an oven for an extended period.
化学灭菌(Chemical Sterilization):
- 中文解释:使用化学物质来消灭微生物,如使用消毒剂。
- 英文解释:The use of chemical agents to kill microorganisms, such as disinfectants.
紫外线灭菌(Ultraviolet Sterilization):
- 中文解释:利用紫外线照射来破坏微生物的DNA或RNA结构,达到灭菌效果。
- 英文解释:Using ultraviolet light to damage the DNA or RNA structure of microorganisms, thus achieving sterilization.
辐射灭菌(Radiation Sterilization):
- 中文解释:使用放射性同位素产生的伽玛射线或电子束对物品进行照射,以消灭微生物。
- 英文解释:The use of gamma rays from radioactive isotopes or electron beams to irradiate objects and kill microorganisms.
过滤灭菌(Filter Sterilization):
- 中文解释:通过物理过滤方法去除液体或气体中的微生物。
- 英文解释:The removal of microorganisms from liquids or gases through physical filtration.
冷灭菌(Cold Sterilization):
- 中文解释:不依赖高温的灭菌方法,如使用化学剂或者低温等离子体技术。
- 英文解释:Sterilization methods that do not rely on high heat, such as the use of chemical agents or low-temperature plasma technology.