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写一篇大约200字的小学英语绘本《When Sophie gets angry》

发布于 2023-10-29 09:49:01

Title: When Sophie Gets Angry


  1. Sophie - a little girl who gets angry easily
  2. Mama - Sophie's mom
  3. Papa - Sophie's dad
  4. Tom - Sophie's best friend
  5. Mouse - a small character representing anger

Setting: A quiet park in the neighborhood

When Sophie gets angry, she starts to feel her face getting hot and her heart beating quickly. She feels like she wants to scream or throw things. Mama and Papa try to calm her down by saying "Take a deep breath, sweetie." However, when Sophie sees Tom playing with a toy airplane, she becomes even more angry. She thinks that Tom is being selfish and doesn't care about her feelings.

Sophie decides to run away and hide in a nearby tree house. There, she meets a small mouse named Mousy. Mousy tells Sophie that he also gets angry sometimes, but he has learned how to manage it better. Mousy shows Sophie some exercises to help her calm down, such as counting to ten or doing some breathing exercises.

Sophie tries these exercises and finds that they work well for her. She learns that it's okay to be angry sometimes, but it's important to express her feelings in a healthy way rather than hurting herself or others around her. With this lesson in mind, Sophie returns home and apologizes to Tom for overreacting earlier. From then on, Sophie tries to control her anger better and build stronger friendships with those around her.

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