A <{p}>The Oracle Database time model should be used to find the
database and instance areas most<{/p}><{p}>
<{/p}><{p}>in need of tuning.<{/p}>
B <{p}>Tuning activities should stop once the user is satisfied
with performance.<{/p}>
C <{p}>Tuning activities should stop once agreed
service levels for performance have been met<{br/}><{/p}>
D <{p}>The database instance memory should always be
tuned before tuning any file systems<{br/}><{/p}>
E <{p}>SQL statements should always be tuned before
tuning any file systems.<{br/}><{/p}>
F <{p}>The alert log should be used to find the
database and instance areas most in need of tuning<{br/}><{/p}>