A 记录在整个项目中学习到的经验教训中获得的知识。 Document knowledge gained in the lessons learned register throughout the project
B 确保经验教训登记册最后定稿并转移到经验教训存储库。 Ensure that the lessons learned register is finalized and transferred to the lessons learned repository
C 与项目团队和相关相关方定期召开回顾会议。 Conduct regular retrospective meetings with the project team and relevant stakeholders
D 定期审查作为项目管理计划组成部分的知识管理计划。 Regularly review the knowledge management plan as an element of the project management plan
E 确保在配置管理计划中将所学到的经验记录作为配置元素列出。 Ensure that the lessons learned register is listed as a configuration element in the configuration management plan