A 要求终止现有的项目,并寻求批准来启动一个将使用敏捷方法的新项目 Request the termination of the existing project and seek approval to initiate a new project that will utilize agile methodologies
B 提交变更请求来更新项目进度计划,以反映CCB的长过程时间所造成的延迟 Submit a change request to update the project schedule to reflect the delays caused by the CCB's long process times
C 寻求批准绕过变更控制过程,让项目团队直接与产品负责人合作 Seek approval to bypass the change control process and have the project team collaborate directly with the product owner
D 告诉产品负责人项目正在使用预测模型,这意味着大多数变更都应该被拒绝 Instruct the product owner that the project is using a predictive model, which means most of the changes should be rejected