A The actual issue date should be marked on each page of the original document. An alternative might be to use the term "ORIGINALISSUE"instead.Todoso,thetitlepageofthedocumentandthetableofcontentspageatthebeginningofeachchaptermustbemarked"ORIGINALPUBLICATION".
B On each page of an original document, the words "ORIGINALISSUE",ratherthantheactualdateofissue,maybeused.Thus,thetitlepageandthetableofcontentspagebeforeeachsectionofthefilemustbemarkedwiththeactualreleasedateafterthe"ORIGINALRELEASE".
C On each page of all original documents,the words"ORIGINALISSUE"may be used. The actual release
D ate is in the file and must be standard on the title page and the table of contents page before each section.A