A 评估自己作为虚拟团队领导者的优势和劣势,以确定可避免的陷阱。 Assess your own strengths and weaknesses as a virtual team leader to identify avoidable pitfalls.
B 确定每个工作包或活动所需资源的类型和数量。 Determine the type and quantity of resources required for each work package or activity.
C 在组织内招募最好的资源来成为虚拟团队的一部分。 Recruit the best resources within your organization to be part of a virtual team
D 核实团队成员是否在一个以上的团队中,是否能为这个团队投入足够的时间。 Verify that team members are on more than one team and can dedicate enough time to that team.
E 在一开始就确定如何监测进展和沟通进展的最佳手段。 Determine at the outset how to monitor progress and the best means of communicating it.