项目经理正在为一个政府项目管理风险识别过程。鉴于该项目的政治影响,多数主要相关方已经表现出高度的风险厌恶情绪。项目经理应该采取什么策略来应对关键相关方的这种情绪?The project manager is managing the risk identification process for a government project. In view of the political impact of the project, most major stakeholders have shown a high degree of risk aversion. What strategies should the project manager adopt to deal with this sentiment of key stakeholders?
发布于 2021-04-24 23:10:25
【单选题】 A 规避和转移风险 Avoid and transfer risks B 倾向于作出“镀金式”的回应 Tends to respond in a gold-plated way C 对风险过程展现出高层级的承诺 High-level commitment to risk processes is demonstrated D 识别重要和不重要的威胁 Identify important and unimportant threats