A 有人建议将预测式开发方法改为混合开发方法 A suggestion has been made to change from predictive to a hybrid development approach.
B 项目的运行超出了预算,需要修改成本基线以反映实际情况。 The project is running well over budget, and the cost baseline needs to be revised to reflect reality.
C 项目发起人想要向配置管理计划添加一个文档。 The project sponsor wants to add a document to the configuration management plan.
D 几项任务的修订状态需要反映在项目进度表中。 The revised status of several tasks needs to be reflected in the project schedule.
E 一名高级主管建议更新项目生命周期描述,以增加一个阶段。 A senior executive has recommended updating the project life cycle description to include an additional phase.
F 刚刚确定了一个新的利益相关者,需要将其添加到利益相关者登记册中 A new stakeholder has just been identified and needs to be added to the stakeholder register