《定价的艺术与科学》(Pricing: The Art and Science)中介绍的定价策略十分全面,以下是一些具体策略的引用和解释:
- 定义:渗透定价是一种较低的价格设置策略,旨在新产品推出时吸引大量的顾客,通过排除竞争对手占据市场份额。
- 引用: "Penetration pricing involves setting a very low initial price for a product in order to gain high market penetration," as referenced by the authors.
- 定义:高空定价是指产品刚刚上市时价格较高,随后随着市场需求放缓逐步降价的方法。
- 引用: "Skimming pricing involves charging high initial prices with the goal of reaping large short-term profits," Nagle et al. state.
- 定义:基于客户认可的产品或服务价值而设置价格的方法。
- 引用: “Value-based pricing means that the price of the offering is determined and justified on the basis of the value it creates for the customers, not simply what others are charging,” explains the book.
- 定义:基于成本加上一定的利润百分比定价。
- 引用: “Cost-plus pricing is a method where firms set their prices based on the unit cost plus an added profit margin,” according to the authors.
- 定义:通过设定特定数字规则上的价格,以影响消费者的感知。
- 引用: "Psychological pricing involves setting prices in order to influence consumer perception and purchasing behavior," note Nagle, Holden, and Cort.
- 定义:为一系列产品设置价格,策略性地安排各个产品的相对价格。
- 引用: "Product line pricing refers to setting the price levels across a range of products, usually aiming at different market segments and managing the cannibalization of your own products," as described in the text.
- 定义:把多个产品作为一套出售,或者将一个大售价拆分为多个小的增值服务。
- 引用: 'Bundle and unbundle pricing strategies involve offering several goods or services together (bundling) or breaking up a large price into several smaller payments (unbundling),' quoted from the book.
- 定义:产品生命周期的不同阶段采取不同的定价策略。
- 引用: "Lifecycle pricing entails changing the price during various stages of the product lifecycle, considering factors like launch, growth, maturity, and decline," as explained by Nagle et al.
- 定义:让客户支付一定金额来获得在某个时间点购买产品的权利。
- 引用: "Option pricing involves providing customers with the right to buy a product at a specific date for a predetermined price," the book mentions.