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孙子日:夫用兵之法,全国为上,破国次之。 [译文]孙子说:大凡用兵的原则,使敌举国不战而降是上策,击破敌国使之降服是次一等用兵策略; 把这句话翻译出符合原文的英语表达

发布于 2024-06-08 22:57:27

Sun Tzu said: "In the employment of troops, the highest strategy is to make the enemy's whole country surrender without fighting. The next best thing is to make the enemy's army surrender without fighting."

Here is a translation that captures the original meaning in English:

"The best method of using military force is to cause the enemy's nation to surrender without engaging in battle; the next best is to cause the enemy's army to surrender without fighting."

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