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Lewis Carroll的简介

发布于 2023-12-18 18:05:30

Lewis Carroll was the pen name used by Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, an English writer, mathematician, logician, Anglican deacon, and photographer, known especially for his contribution to children's literature. He was born on January 27, 1832, in Daresbury, Cheshire, England, and died on January 14, 1898.

Carroll is best known for his classic works "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" (1865) and its sequel "Through the Looking-Glass" (1871), which have delighted readers with their whimsical characters, clever wordplay, and fantastical plots. These stories follow the adventures of a young girl named Alice who finds herself in a surreal world filled with peculiar, anthropomorphic creatures.

Beyond his famous tales of Alice, Carroll wrote poetry and numerous other works, both fiction and non-fiction, including mathematical treatises. His poem "Jabberwocky," found in "Through the Looking-Glass," is celebrated for its nonsensical yet evocative language. His other notable works include "The Hunting of the Snark," a nonsense poem, and "Sylvie and Bruno."

Carroll's writing has been characterized by its use of logic, fantasy, and wordplay, reflecting his professional interests in mathematics and logic, as well as his innovative storytelling techniques. His works have been enjoyed by children and adults alike and continue to influence literature and popular culture.

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