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国内外近几年权威性研究指出的英语口语焦虑的定义 ,并注明文献来源

发布于 2025-02-06 18:12:22

英语口语焦虑(English Speaking Anxiety, ESA)通常被描述为个体在其真实或想象中的公众场合用英语进行口语交际时产生的情绪紧张和不安。以下是近年来一些权威研究对英语口语焦虑的定义,以及它们的文献来源:

  1. D. MacIntyre, T. Gregersen, and S. B. Mercer (2016):

    "Social anxiety represents apprehensive feelings that can surface in both perceived and actual interactions with other people, where one feels that they are acting outside their comfort zone."

    • 来源: MacIntyre, D., T. Gregersen & S. B. Mercer (2016). Positive psychology in SLA. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
  2. Yashima, T. (2002)

    "Foreign language communication anxiety is a distinctly different construct from general social apprehension or test anxiety."

    • 来源: Yashima, T. (2002). Willingness to communicate in a second language: The Japanese EFL context. ELT Journal, 56(3), 276-286.
  3. Horwitz, E. K., Horwitz, M. B., and Cope, J. (1986):

    "Foreign language anxiety differs from garden variety or generalized anxiety in that it is ‘domain specific’ emotion seen in achievement situations."

    • 来源: Horwitz, E.K., Horwitz, M.B., & Cope, J. (1986). Foreign language classroom anxiety. The Modern Language Journal, 70(2), 125-132.
  4. McCroskey, J.C. and A.F.J. Baer (1985):

    "Communication apprehension is an individual’s level of fear or anxiety associated with either real or anticipated communication with others."

    • 来源: McCroskey, J.C. & Baer, A.F.J. (1985). Willingness to communicate: A new concept in communication education. Communication Education, 34(1), 1-7.

请注意,由于语言和文化差异,对于英语口语焦虑的研究在全球范围内可能有所不同,但由于它们在学术界的广泛影响,以上定义被认为是定义英语口语焦虑的权威学术参考。以上列出的研究和文献可在学术数据库和图书馆中找到,也可以通过Google Scholar等学术搜索引擎获取。

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