A 项目团队成员解释说,自上一个项目后,技术已经发生了很大变化,以后不会发生问题 The project members explain that since the last project, the technology has changed a lot and no problem will occur in future.
B 查看过往项目的经验教训说明,识别新项目中的类似风险 To view lessons learned from previous projects and identify similar risks in new projects
C 立即将潜在风险上报给项目发起人,以便能够获得额外的资金 To immediately escalate the potential risks to the project sponsor so that additional funds can be obtained
D 结束项目并收集经验教训,让未来的项目可以从该经验教训中获益 To close the project and collect lessons learned so that future projects may benefit from the lessons learned