A 每个团队成员应回答以下问题; 自上次每日站会以来,我完成了什么? 我计划在下一个每日站会中做什么? Each team member should answer the following questions; What did I accomplish since the last daily Scrum? What do I plan to work on by the next daily Scrum?
B 项目经理应该能够通过直接向团队成员提问来获得项目状态的最新信息 The project manager should be able to get an update on the project’s status by directly asking questions to the team members
C 将开发中的冲刺待办事项的状态传达给产品负责人 Communicate the status of sprint backlog items in development to the product owner
D 讨论自当前冲刺开始以来进展顺利的地方,并发现改进的机会。 Discuss what went well since the start of the current sprint and discover opportunities for improvement.