A 要求项目发起人增加额外资金以适应新需求,并对其它方案召开头脑风暴 Ask the project sponsor for additional funds to accommodate the new requirements and brainstorm other options.
B 审查项目相关方登记册,重新分类项目相关方,并根据新的需求更新项目章程 Review the stakeholder register to reclassify the stakeholder and update the project charter with the new requirements.
C 审查谅解备忘录(MOU),重新定义项目的初始意图,并将新需求包含进项目章程中 Review the memorandum of understanding(MOU)to redefine the initial intention of the project and include the new requirements in the project charter.
D 与项目相关方和项目发起人开会,讨论新需求的影响,并获得一致意见 Meet with stakeholders and the sponsor to discuss the impact of the new requirements and obtain consensus.