Yes, it is almost impossible for axolotls to live without water during their entire lifetime. As amphibians, axolotls are designed for an aquatic habitat and have several biological characteristics that make them unsuitable for a fully terrestrial life:
Gill Respiration: Axolotls primarily breathe using their gills, which extract oxygen from water. Their lungs are not well-developed for air breathing.
Skin Permeability: Their skin plays a vital role in respiration and hydration. Without water, the skin can dry out, leading to various health problems.
Body Structure: Axolotls have a soft body that is supported by water buoyancy. Living on land would put stress on their bodies due to lack of support.
Aquatic Life Cycle: Axolotls lay eggs in water, and their larvae grow in an aquatic environment. They do not have a terrestrial life stage.
Temperature Regulation: Axolotls rely on water to help regulate their body temperature, as they are ectothermic.
Nutrition: Axolotls hunt and eat prey that are found in water. They do not have the necessary adaptations to find food on land.
Behavioral Adaptations: Their behaviors, such as hunting and mating, are adapted to an aquatic environment.
While some amphibians can survive short periods out of water, axolotls are highly specialized for aquatic life and cannot thrive on land. Providing them with a suitable aquatic habitat is essential for their health and well-being.