一个大型项目的工作分解结构(WBS)显示,2级项目计划几乎没有提供有关活动,依赖关系以及所需资源的信息。若要评估项目持续时间,项目经理应该做什么?The work breakdown structure(WBS)for a large project shows that level 2plans provide little information on activities,dependencies,and required resources.What should the project manager do to assess the project's duration?
发布于 2021-04-19 22:42:18
【单选题】 A 制定WBS词典 Develop a WBS dictionary. B 执行自下而上估算 Perform bottom-up estimating. C 分析资源分解结构(RBS) ana-lyze the resource breakdown structure(RBS). D 制定资源日历 Develop the resource calendar.