在一个系统升级项目的早期阶段,两位关键相关方由新加入公司的人员所取代,导致项目延期。项目经理首先应该怎么做?In the early stage of a system upgrade project,two key stakeholders are replaced by people new to the company causing project delays.What should the project manager do first?
发布于 2021-04-19 22:41:36
【单选题】 A 更新相关方登记册 Update the stakeholder register. B 与新相关方分享项目进度计划 Share the project schedule with the new stakeholders. C 与新相关方审查项目章程 Review the project charter with the new stakeholders. D 为新相关方提供系统相关培训 Train the new stakeholders on the system-