A 进行积极倾听,确认团队了解各项任务一并消除沟通障碍 Actively listen to make sure the team understands the tasks and removes communication barriers
B 践行文化意识,确保在存在文化差异的情况下清晰沟通 Practice cultural awareness to ensure clear communication in the presence of cultural differences
C 辅导项目团队成员在会议中在表述时做到言简意赅,并有效提供信息 Coaching project team members are concise and informative in their presentations during meetings
D 确保所有项目团队会议都有清晰的议程,并制作列明行动和责任人的会议记录 Ensure that all project team meetings have a clear agenda and that minutes are prepared with action and accountability